
bram ellis ronen


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Bram Ellis Ronen was born to Thomas and Aline (nee. Torres) Ronen and named for his ancestor, Abraham Ronen. Abraham Ronen was a former Charms professor who ultimately defended the school from an invasion by Ranrok and his army of goblins and trolls during the Goblin Rebellion. Ranrok's plan was to overtake Hogwarts, in turn supplanting wizardkind with goblinkind. Ronen's bravery and skill not only protected the school but ultimately the wizarding world as a whole.
In light of all this, Bram was endowed with quite the reputation to live up to. He inherited undeniable talents in sorcery and has excelled in both Charms and Transfiguration throughout school.
He grew up living with his parents and muggle maternal grandparents in a rural area near Manchester. Bram's abuela maintains a small grove of orange trees in their back garden to keep with her a part of the orchard where she grew up in Columbia. With the help of her daughter's magic, her trees bear delectable fruit all year long.




Bram is fiercely loyal. They love to tease their friends and go for adventures. They're laid back but energetic, a bit restless, but very caring and good at advice.likes:
baking, chamomile tea, sunny spring weather,bagels, fruit, quidditch, swimming under waterfalls, bonfires, kissing, Charms and Transfiguration, late mornings, his chameleon Britney Spears, working at Zonko's in the summer
when people don't like to joke around, pessimists, celery, snow, apparation, small spaces, awkward silences, the moving staircases, arithmancy



wizarding passport

hogwarts house: gryffindor
wand: 12 1/11 inches, apple wood, springy flexibility, thunderbird tail feather core
patronus: deerhound
first sign of magic: At age seven, while Bram was very busy playing on the swings, they transformed a branch in his cousin's hand to a chamomile flower after she tried to start a game of pirates.
scent in amortentia: citrus, honey, laundry dried in the sun, flour, chamomile




admin is 22
i may not always be active
i tend to be a dry texter
under 17
threaten to block people who don't discuss current events/social issues (octwt is my escape from reality)
issues with 18+ admins
talk shit about people
-do not flirt with me ooc, you'll get blocked
-don't pressure shipping if the chemistry isn't there
-message me if i say/do anything to make you uncomfortable. being blocked out of nowhere gives me extreme anxiety. if you do that to people that's fine for you but just don't follow me! i hate being in that situation.
-feel free to add my ocs to group chats!!




theo (he/him)
see carrd for more info
